Zach Tipton, you bastard. Why'd you have to go and make this god damned beautiful little album? Don't you realize that every other musician you know is now going to become incredibly jealous of you? As if they weren't already. I remember seeing his other/old band open for Phil Elverum at the now defunct and oft-missed Brooks Center and being blown away by his (Zach's) presence. It's one of those rare feelings you get when you see or meet someone. Like, you know they're going to be famous? Or do something deserving of fame. Enter the IATD EP. This deserves it. And much more. Please, do yourself a favor and download this. You'll thank me. Or him. Yeah, thank him. I'm very proud to have Mr. Dot here as a fellow Denverite.
Can you please please pleases reupload this one???
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